prf & prp
PRF: Plasma Rich Fibrin
PRF uses your bodies own growth factors to rejuvenate skin, reduce fine lines or wrinkles and hair restoration. It is very safe with little to no side effects! The potential side effects include a bit of redness, swelling, or bruising. Much safer and longer lasting result than filler.
What are some of the benefits of PRF?
The benefit of PRF as a filler is that it includes your growth factors which help stimulate new collagen production & reverse signs of aging.
PRF is good for any age groups.
The procedure takes 45 minutes.
The result is long lasting.
What areas can you treat with PRF?
Under eye hollowness
Under eye dark circle
Cheek volume( augmentation)
Nasolabial fold ( smile fold)
Skin rejuvenation
Wrinkle around the lips
Hair regeneration for scalp and eye brow
One session - PRF costs $1000/session
We can do the procedure 3 times a year for the optimal results
PRP ( platelet rich plasma) is shorter procedure and costs $750